woensdag 4 oktober 2017

PBL trigger 6

1.    Compare different marketing communication planning models: what are the stages?

2, 2    Discuss the different stages of the marketing communication planning process.


n this methodology, the objectives are divided into broad strategic goals that incorporate specific KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). In daily practice, however, the KPIs can only be determined when the target audience, the proposition and positioning choices are known. Also essential is determining what tools and marketing techniques will be used. There are differences in the strategic and operational plans that Smith’s SOSTAC® does not distinguish between.
Topics in a strategic plan are general. Performing an analysis, determining objectives, targeting a group, determining direction by means of a strategy, setting a budget, determining the implementation and the manner of establishing control.
At an operational level are the topics: analysis, strategy, concept, implementation, and evaluation. There are basic similarities in terminology between strategic and operationally oriented plans. However, the level of abstraction determines the content and meaning of the term. In a communications plan, the term "strategy" is in the concept phase. The explanation of the term strategy here is whether we are going to employ humor or product comparison in our communication tool. The term strategy in a marketing plan means, for example, the choice to position new products in existing markets.
The differences between the operational and the strategic plans are:
1.   Specifically naming targets. With a strategic plan objectives are explicitly mentioned as a phase, but not in an operational plan.
2.   Explicitly name a target group.
3.   The strategy step is of a different order in a strategic plan than in an operational plan. The determination of a strategy is the direction taken in order to achieve the goal. For example, a strategic plan involves the direction in which the company is going. The strategy in an operational plan involves the choices of which communications tools are being used.
4.   In a strategic plan, management of the plan is called "control", while in an operational plan it becomes "evaluation".

There are 2 disadvantages to the SOSTAC model
Firstly, the determination of the problem must be considered a given and not a part of the methodology. It is precisely the problem framing the direction and the size of the solution.
The second disadvantage of existing methods is that it can be used in strategic planning but not in an operational plan is setting goals or objectives. Determining the goals in an operational plan will take place after analyzing the situation/environment and not before.

The PASTA method

In daily practice, the SOSTAC® method is not workable in developing an operational plan, as described above. The logical process is interrupted by first setting goals and then the strategy. On a strategic level, this is obvious. For example, a company's objective is to grow in market share, but it must make a strategic choice: Innovate? Buy another company? Or just obtain more market share?
In an operational plan, objectives are part of the strategy. And the SOSTAC® method is not practical because problem recognition is not an explicit part of the method.
The PASTA method can be used to develop an operational plan (see Figure 3): Problem definition - Analysis - Strategy - Tactics - Action (PASTA)

Problem Definition

First, there must be a clear definition of the problem: Which goal does the client want to achieve? What issues are involved? What strategic objectives underlie the development of a plan?
There must be knowledge about the organization, product or service. But also knowledge about what the client is really asking for. When an organization indicates low brand recognition, it is justified in asking more questions to seek out the reason why.


The second step is to analyze the market and the environment in which the organization or the product exists. To create an operational plan, there must first be an examination of the organization, consumers or customers, the product (supply) and competition.
This consists of both internal and external analysis. For internal analysis it is important to ask questions such as:
·         What is the organization?
·         Who does what?
·         What problems does the organization have?
·         What is the organization's volume of sales, customers, calls and web traffic?
·         What are the company's strengths?
·         How does the public identify with the organization or the product?
·         What are the tangible and intangible values of the product (value proposition)?

The external analyses are more extensive. Most of the information will come from desk research or existing and available information within the organization. Questions to be answered are:
·         How is the market within which the organization operates defined?
·         How many consumers use the product? What is the market size?
·         Who are the customers or users?
·         What interest groups are important?
·         What is the consumer behavior?
·         What does the decision-making process regarding the product look like?
·         Who are the competitors?
·         How do the competitors act online?
·         Which search engine is important?
·         How do referrers act?
·         Which online actors are important?
·         Who could be an online partner?
·         What are the major blogs on the subject?


The term "strategy" is comprehensive and confusing. It should be regarded within the context of an operational plan. The term "concept" can also be used in place of strategy. The development of a strategy or concept within an operational plan consists of four modules, which are interdependent. These building blocks are: target group, objectives, proposition, and positioning.

Target Group

·         Which consumer segment is important?
·         How is the target group defined?
·         What are the needs of the target group?
·         To what extent is the target group involved in the product? What about the Decision Making Unit (DMU)?
·         What are advantages the target group is looking for?
·         What is important to the product for the target group?
·         Which media is the target audience using?
·         Who are involving partners?
·         How is the target group normally informed?
·         What is the target group reading?
·         What are the communications tools and channels they are looking at?

The better the target group is known, the better the strategy that can be worked out. Many questions can be answered using desk research. Discussions and interviews with members of the audience or an observation of the target group can also provide a lot of information.
A description can be made by creating a Customer Profile[2], which consist of the "Customer Jobs" (description of what the customers want to achieve in daily life), "Customer Gains" (description of the results that customers want to reach and the concrete benefits they want to see) and "Customer Pains" (description of the negative outcome, risks and barriers that are related to the job).


What should the campaign achieve? Marketing/communications objectives can be broadly divided into three categories: "Reach" goals, "Process" goals and "Effectiveness" goals. The Reach goal of communicating is to reach the target groups in an effective and efficient way. For this purpose a good segmentation and audience definition are needed, as well as insights into the media behavior of the desired segments.
Process goals are conditions which should be established before any communications can be effective. All communications should capture the attention of the target group, then appeal or be appreciated, and be processed (remembered).
The third type of goals are the Effectiveness goals. They are the most important, since Reach goals only assure sufficient exposure, and Process goals only ensure enough processing of the message to make the Effectiveness goals possible. An Effectiveness goal is a behavior goal: Buy, download, registration etc. An Effectiveness goal is the ultimate goal: to enter into a long-term relationship or obtain a growth in market share.


"Positioning" is the creation of a distinctive position relative to the competitors in the perception of the consumer. When an organization wants to determine positioning, it is important to have done a good competitive analysis.
An organization can choose an informational Positioning focusing on the functional attributes and benefits of the product: the product is the best solution, or the price is most favorable, or the delivery terms are the best. There can also be choice of a transformational Positioning. That responds to the needs of the customers to purchase a product. When products have many similarities, the transformational Positioning can provide a good solution. For example, values such as "sociability" and "convenience" are being used. When using a two-sided Positioning, there are functional aspects which are connected to the values and needs of the customer.
That responds to the needs of the customers to purchase a product. When products have many similarities, the transformational Positioning can provide a good solution. For example, values such as "sociability" and "convenience" are being used. When using a two-sided Positioning, there are functional aspects which are connected to the values and needs of the customer.


If the target group is known and Positioning is determined and it is clear what needs to be achieved, then a central message and values (Proposition) can be determined. The Proposition is the aggregate offer which can be separated into product, price, distribution (which channel?) and the communicative value of the offer. The value Proposition is shaped by the visible and invisible benefits to the consumer.
The Proposition is a bundle of products and services that represent value for customers. In the Value Proposition Design (Osterwalder et al, 2014), the Proposition is formed by a list of "Products and Services", the "Gain Creators" (description of how the offer creates advantage for customers), and "Pain Relievers" (description of how the offer alleviates specific customer pains).
The value Proposition is shaped by the visible and invisible benefits to the consumer. The Proposition is a bundle of products and services that represent value for customers. In the Value Proposition Design (Osterwalder et al, 2014), the Proposition is formed by a list of "Products and Services", the "Gain Creators" (description of how the offer creates advantage for customers), and "Pain Relievers" (description of how the offer alleviates specific customer pains).


The next step is to determine which devices, tools, and techniques are to be used. What communication tools and devices (channels) are used to achieve the goal? The channels are the traditional channels such as print (newspapers and magazines) and television, augmented by digital devices (desktop, laptop, tablet and especially the smartphone with internet access).
The tools are the traditional instruments such as advertising, sales promotions (brand activation[3]), direct mail and retail promotion, augmented by typical Internet tools such as the website, the app, email-marketing, bannering and mobile marketing.
The techniques[4] are specific and unique to the internet, such as search engine marketing (traceability), behavioral targeting (communications offering based on the behavior of the user), and affiliate marketing ("sellers" are rewarded based on units sold). Within the Tactics phase, devices and tools and techniques are to be weighed to determine which can be used to achieve the target within the strategy.


Once all the tools and resources have been established, the content for the tools is to be developed to actually carry out the messages. The ads (e.g. AdWords) must be created, the e-mail campaign must be designed, the website should be developed, etc., etc. This step is about creating a schedule, determining a budget and designating people.
·         Time: Making a timetable
·         Money: How can the budget be used? Which channels must be chosen for exposure?
·         People: Who has the expertise to design a tool? Is the developing outsourced?
Examples include a keyword plan, a content plan for social media, sites for link-building and a planning schedule.

MCPF Model
which provides a visual guide within elements. The process starts from the external agencies which make a marketing research for the company. The marketing communication plan can be based on the gathered information. Which steps must be followed to form a marketing communications plan.
When comparing the three models, you can see that all models are focused on forming strategies and tactics. These are the most important aspects off all three models.  Source: https://theseus.fi/bitstream/handle/10024/2618/Laitinen_Jenni-Mari.pdf?sequence=1

3    What are the characteristics of a successful marketing communication plan or campaign?
1. The Better You Know Your Audience, the Better You (& Your Team) Can Appeal to their Interests
All successful marketing efforts begin with a thorough understanding of your audience. Start by analyzing your current clients and why they chose your products or services. Don't have enough data to get the full picture? Put a research plan in place to help fill in any gaps relating to demographics, purchase patterns and other insights into when, where, why and how people purchase your products.
2. Uncover Your Unique Selling Proposition
Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is the main benefit that, when communicated effectively, drives sales of your product or service. It focuses on a unique problem that you solve better than anyone else. Your USP must be compelling and strong enough to move people to act. Your USP will be central to all of your marketing communications, so don't take this step lightly.
3. Sharpen Your Brand Look and Feel
From logos to business cards and marketing collateral, your brand must speak to the customer in a contemporary, relevant manner. It needs to support your operational USP and accurately represent your market position – don't mislead your audience by creating a marquee brand if you're aiming to be a low-cost option. Be honest, sincere and true to the heart of your business.
4. Ensure that All Messaging is Consistent
While most people think of logo and stationary when it comes to branding, your brand voice is equally important. A good place to start is to generate a few key positioning statements to feature in your communications. Start with a tagline, single sentence version and then a standard short paragraph. Try spooling out a handful of key messages (up to 5) that your company should be communicating (note that they cannot all be in all places). Outline key descriptive words to use and not use, and make sure that your new messaging standards are adhered to in all future communications.
5. Choose Your Marketing Mix
With all of the recent advancements in online marketing, there are more ways to communicate than ever before. Every industry and brand is unique, so there is no standard marketing mix that will work for everyone. The key is to understand your options, and choose a media mix that fits your audience (where do they spend their time / attention), budget and marketing communications goals.
6. Establish Marcom Success Measurements (Metrics)
Whatever the medium and message, ensure that your communications are measurable. Whether it's email open rates, social media exposure or direct mail response rates, establish key communications goals and put systems in place to chart your success. Tie this data in with sales metrics to get a true sense of what's working and what's not.
7. Manage Leads and Client Data
You know your audience, you've built your brand and you've told your story. People are interested – now what? A CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system is a database of your contacts (customers, prospects, others) that allows you to organize information (contact info, records, files, calls, emails, etc) to streamline and scale sales and marketing processes. This will help you better understand how clients move through the sales funnel and help you close more leads.
Successful marketing communications efforts are much more than a shot in the dark. Each of these seven steps needs to be explored to the fullest in order to gain the greatest return on investment possible.

4    Discuss the marketing communication planning of a chosen company.

#5 Coca-Cola - Coca-Cola Life

Recently, Coca-Cola launched a new product to its long standing line of soft drinks, called 'Coca-Cola Life' along with a month long campaign. Coca-Cola Life fits in the same kind of category as Coke Zero and Diet Coke - another one of Coca-Cola’s attempts to release a healthier option to its main heavily sugary product.
The campaign is being rolled out across 7,000 outdoor locations nationwide with billboards, bus and digital screen ads; these are all being supported by print, digital, experiential and point of sale activity. Although television is not being used the buzz on social media since the drinks’ launch has been mainly positive.
Along with all of the above, Coca-Cola launched a competition - on Saturday 20th September a pop-up shop opened on South Molton Street, London offering customers to not just have a taste of the new Life drink, but also give them a chance of winning a Coca-Cola Life prize - one of those being a long weekend in New York City. Of course, to fulfil the campaign’s integrated position those who were not able to visit the pop-up shop still had the chance to enter the competition by sharing a Coca-Cola Life moment picture online and using the hashtags #CocaColaLife and #comp.
The product is yet to be proven as a success, but as a campaign it’s fulfilling every specification to be a great integrated marketing campaign.
There’s a few lessons that can be learned from these integrated marketing case studies; one of those being that it doesn’t matter if you mix up the media within your campaign, in fact it’s largely positive, you just have to ensure that there is brand consistency across the entire roll out.
The way in which the message is communicated can also alter the effectiveness of the campaign, as can choosing which media should be at the forefront or the driving factor behind your strategy. It can all become a difficult balance to get right but it’s crucial that you do get it right.

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